The CORD Sparknet comprises of different types of nodes - boot node, full node, validator node and archive node. Each type of node has different function within the network infrastructure. This document provides a single page instruction set to create one or all different kinds of the nodes and associate them with the Sparknet instance of CORD network.

The archive node maintains all the past blocks and the states. This makes it convenient to query the past state of the chain at any point in time. A full node prunes historical states eg. except for the state of the genesis block all states of finalised blocks older than a configurable number. This means that it requires much less space than an archived node.

Before we begin it is necessary to understand that the generation of the node key is mandatory only for boot nodes. If a node key file is not provided as a parameter then cord will generate a random node key.

Recommended Resources

<aside> 💡 OS: Ubuntu 22.04


Validator Node

<aside> 💡 AWS instance type: c6i.4xlarge


<aside> 💡 GCP instance type: n2-standard-8


Archive Node

Full Nodes and Boot Nodes

<aside> 💡 GCP Instance type: e2-medium


<aside> 💡 AWS Instance type: t2.micro


Boot Node

Using systemd for Boot Node

Using Docker for Boot Node

Validator Node